How to get WooCommerce product's slug, title, and ID?

This article will show you how to get slug or ID of product

Understanding how to obtain the Slug, Title, and ID of your WooCommerce products is essential for customizing your online store and integrating various functionalities. This guide will walk you through the steps to easily find the Slug, Title, and ID of any product in WooCommerce.

👉 Step 1: Access Your WordPress Admin Panel

  • Log in to your WordPress admin panel, where your WooCommerce store is set up.

👉 Step 2: Navigate to the Products Section

  1. Go to the sidebar menu.

  2. Click on Products to open the list of all products in your store.

👉 Step 3: Find the Product Slug, Title, and ID

Find the Product slug

  1. In the Products list, locate the product whose ID you need.

  2. Hover over that product and click on Quick Edit.

  3. Product slug in Slug field.

Find the Product Title

  1. In the Products list, locate the product whose ID you need.

  2. Hover over that product, click on Quick Edit

  3. You can see the product title in the Title field.

Find the Product ID

  1. In the Products list, locate the product whose ID you need.

  2. Hover over the product name.

  3. The product ID will appear beneath the product name as a number after ID: (e.g.., 123).

    Get WooCommerce product ID

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