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Instructions for Shopify Platform
Install & Upgrade
Install Ryviu app to your Shopify store
Show star ratings on your Shopify collection page
Add Ryviu's Questions & Answers block to your product page
Create a featured reviews page for Shopify store
Upgrade your Ryviu plan for your Shopify store
Uninstall Ryviu App from your Shopify
Shopify 2.0 OS
Installing Ryviu product review blocks for your Shopify's 2.0 OS free themes
Install Ryviu star ratings on the collection page of Shopify's 2.0 free themes
Install Ryviu's Featured review on the homepage of your store
Shopify Vintage
Install Ryviu app for Shopify vintage theme
Add Questions & Answers add-ons to your product page of Shopify vintage themes
Display star ratings on product pages - Shopify vintage
Create a review section on the homepage - Shopify vintage