Ryviu widgets settings

This article will cover you the general settings of Ryviu widgets on your store.

To access the Customer Reviews settings section in your Ryviu dashboard, click on the Widgets section in the left menu of your Ryviu account.

For each widget, you can:

  • Click ‘Add now’ to display that widget on your store.

  • Click ‘Customize’ to modify the widget to match your store design.

  • Check the preview on the right desktop for any changes.

  • Click on the “Save” button in the last step to save the changes.

Table of contents:

  1. Product reviews

  2. Total ratings

  3. Featured reviews

  4. Reviews quick access button

  5. Real-time reviews alerts

  6. Review badge

  7. Question and Answer

Product reviews

The product reviews widget showcases customer reviews, including text, photos, videos, and store owner responses.

Choose between the ‘With Reviews’ or ‘Without Reviews’ widget to set up. Below are the available settings:

  • General: Manage key review settings such as approval before publishing, lazy loading for better performance, sorting options, and the number of reviews per page. Select either a "Load more" button or pagination for navigation.

  • Layout: Choose a theme and customize the product reviews widget with three styles—Default, Masonry, or Carousel.

  • Color: Adjust the background and text colors and customize colors for review widgets, buttons, stars, and more.

  • Typography: Modify the font and size of the review text.

  • Sections: Show or hide elements like the header, review items, popup images, and the review submission form.

  • Formatting: Set the display format for customer names and timestamps.

  • Author: Customize the author's avatar background color with an option for randomly assigned colors.

  • Media: Enable image reviews, display multiple images per review, ensure uniform image height, and apply hover effects. Choose between ‘cover’ or ‘contain’ image display styles for headers and Default themes.

  • Star: Adjust the star icon’s style, color, and size.

  • Body: Configure the review display box for your store.

  • Language: Personalize the text in the reviews widget and review form

Rating total widget

This section lets you set the star ratings, color, and text on the collection‌ page.

Featured widget

To change the widget's settings, you can select the Masonry or Carousel layout in this section.

Ryviu sidebar button

You can also show featured reviews in the sidebar widget. This part takes a few seconds to set up.

Review Pop-Up Trigger

In this part, you can set up the position and text of the review pop-up trigger. This will allow you to provide real-time evidence to increase your customers' trust and boost your sales.

Reviews badge

In the settings menu, you can select the kind of action, layout, color, and customized text for the Reviews Badge.

Question and answers

You can customize the questions & answer widget in this widget, whether it has questions or not.

Need help?

Get in touch with our support team through live chat or email at info@ryviu.com. We're here to help!

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