This section covers all information about the products you imported to your store. You can import reviews by CSV, manage products, edit product handles, and manage reviews, among other things.
Let's discover the detailed process.
Product Manager section
Log in to your Ryviu account, and click on Products section on the left menu bar to open Ryviu Product Manager section.

The detailed purpose of each button or icon is listed below:
More Actions button: Export reviews in Bulk to CSV file or XML feeds.
Import reviews button: to import reviews from a dropship link.
Filter Reviews: Show all, enabled, or disabled product reviews.
Search Products: Enter product handle or ID to find specific products.
Sort Products: Order products by newest or oldest.
You also can select many product reviews at once to show/hide reviews, export reviews, export XML Feeds, or delete.

Product review

Here are details of each product review:
Hover on the product name to view product on your store.
Change the product review status.
View all reviews of that product.
View questions and answers about that product.
Check the import review date.
Import reviews for that product.
Edit product details such as handle, title, and images
Duplicate that product review, export reviews to CSV file and XML Feeds, and delete product review.
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