Create a featured reviews page for WooCommerce store

This article will guide you on creating a featured reviews page for your WooCommerce store.

Creating a featured reviews page on your WooCommerce store is an excellent way to showcase customer feedback, build trust, and enhance your store’s credibility. Follow this detailed guide to set up a featured reviews page seamlessly.

The "Featured Reviews" feature is only available for Ryviu paid plans.

👉 Step 1. Create a New Page for Featured Reviews

  1. In your WordPress admin panel, go to Pages > Add New.

  2. Title the page, for example, "Featured Reviews."

  3. Click "+", select Custom HTML

👉 Step 2. Add featured review code

Copy one of the codes below and paste it into Custom HTML block

  • Masonry Featured Reviews snippet code: 

    <!-- RYVIU APP :: FEATURE -->
    <ryviu-widget feature="1"></ryviu-widget>
    <!-- / RYVIU APP -->
  • Carousel Featured Reviews snippet code:

    <!-- RYVIU APP :: FEATURE -->
    <ryviu-feature-extend carousel="1" id="r--ryviu-widget"></ryviu-feature-extend>
    <!-- / RYVIU APP -->

👉 Step 3. Publish the featured reviews page

  1. Click Publish button

  2. Confirm by clicking Publish again

👉 Step 4. Mark reviews are featured reviews.

You must select reviews and mark them as featured to make them appear on your Featured review page.

  1. Login to your Ryviu account

  2. Navigate to Reviews menu

  3. Mark reviews as featured reviews

    • You'll be able to set one-by-one reviews as featured.

    • Or set selected reviews as featured.

👉 Step 5: Add the Featured Reviews Page to Your Menu

  1. Go to Appearance > Menus.

  2. Select the menu where you want to add the featured reviews page.

  3. Find your newly created "Featured Reviews" page in the list of pages.

  4. Check the box next to it and click Add to Menu.

  5. Arrange the menu item as desired.

  6. Click Save Menu to update your navigation.

Discover the detailed instructions by watching our tutorial video.

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